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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ban the code?

A letter versus the book "The Da vinci code" has reportedly been circulating of late addressed to Bishops the letter reads as such ;

“Your Excellency,

“On behalf of The Philippine Crusade for the Defense of Christian Civilization, Inc., a civic and cultural organization of lay Catholics, I write this letter confident that you have heard or read about Dan Brown’s bestselling yet controversial book ‘The Da Vinci Code.’ A movie based on the purported historical fiction is now set for worldwide release sometime in May of this year.

“As faithful Catholics, we are concerned about the scandalous and sacrilegious manner in which Our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Mary Magdalene and the Catholic Church are portrayed in the book. We believe the movie wouldn’t be any different.

“While apologists for the book or movie pass it off as mere fiction, we cannot remain naïve and complacent about the possible harmful effects it would have on the average Catholic reader or moviegoer. False conclusions based on shoddy fictional premises can and often do deceive many of those of weak faith to accept and believe as true what they would normally take for as ridiculous or nonsense.

“To dispute those who claim protesting only generates publicity, we argue that the promoters of these productions fear the negative publicity generated by these protests since it translates to poor ticket sales at the box office.

“In face of this scurrilous attack on the sacred person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, it is our privilege to present Your Excellency a copy of Rejecting the Da Vinci Code: How a Blasphemous Novel Brutally Attacks Our Lord and the Catholic Church, published by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP - The book aims to increase public awareness and refutes the malicious lies and distortions being perpetrated by Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code.”

“I have also enclosed copies of articles assailing the literary and historical merit or lack thereof of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ which I hope would be of use to you. [These were copies of your article and an article on the statement of the US Catholic Bishops.]

“Knowing Your Excellency’s compelling duty to teach, govern and sanctify the faithful as a successor of the Apostles, we respectfully entreaty Your Excellency to voice out firm opposition and condemnation of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ movie. We count on you to support our initiative as well as encourage the movie’s boycott among the Catholic faithful.

“With this formidable task of going against worldwide public opinion, we hope to show the rest of the world that Filipino Catholics would stand up to defend the honor of the God-Man, that most singular Personage in all of history, the holy founder of Christianity, whom we call Our Lord Jesus Christ.

“In closing, we kneel and kiss Your Excellency’s pastoral ring as we ask for your prayers and blessing.

“Faithfully yours,

“Dr. Jose Maria P. Alcasid
“The Philippine Crusade for the Defense of Christian Civilization, Inc.”


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