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Thursday, April 27, 2006

A prayer through Mama Mary...

This is a beautiful prayer. Please read it
SOmetimes this is sent as a chain Email.

It is miraculous, ask for something, anything just pray !!!
And remember her words: Am I not
here, and am I not your Mother?"
Beautiful Virgin of Guadalupe, I ask
you on behalf of all my brothers and sisters of the
world that you bless us and protect us. Give us
proof of your love and kindness. Oh pure Virgin of
Guadalupe, give me through your Son, forgiveness
for my sins, blessings for my job, cure for my
diseases and needs, and all that you deem necessary
I ask for my family. Oh Mother of God, do not disdain the
pleas we present to you in our needs. Amen.

Dear brothers and sisters, I want to impart to you
the presence of the Virgin of
Guadalupe... that she is miraculous and is always
with us wherever we go.
When this is sent as a E-letter it has the objective
of going around the world so recipients could receive
miracles within a beautiful chain of prayers.
Please If you believe cut and past and pass this forward to
as many people and share it during
in the following days. In return you will
receive proof from the Virgin no matter how
impossible it is.
a surprise and great joy and blessing awaits!
" GOD will never leave you
EMPTY, he will REPLACE everything you've LOST.
If he asks you to put something
DOWN, it's because HE wants YOU to PICK-UP it up
and make it something GREATER "

May God Bless US all... read and pass on this if you like.


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